Thursday, July 19, 2007


Do you ever know what you're drinking?
Do you ever pay attention to what you're really thinking...


S said...

I do pay attention to my thoughts, but i think too much, so sometimes it becomes a burden...
But a coffee on the rocks always helps, i don't like decaf, it tastes bad :) and besides that, it gives no "kick"
Everyone should drink coffee, lots of coffee, and awake from the numbness everyone seems to share.
Think think think! Fluid thoughts are needed. Buy a motorcross bike and go off road, leave the road once in a while, loose yourself in the florest and enjoy it.
Well... I guess i need a decaf.

Emmanu Elle said...

To be honest... I never drink decaf. But sometimes one has enough of those so-called "kicks"

The only way to really listen to yourself is to delve deep into your thoughts, and try to do it with your own inner resources.

To look inside the cup - what is really there? We all know what the outside of the cup looks like, and what the insides smell like. But how does it taste, after you've drank all of it? ;)

S said...
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S said...

The cake said:
-Eat me!
The bottle said:
-Drink me!